
Working Papers

"Assuring Consumers of Authenticity, Safety, & Quality: Early American Whiskey Markets" (with Macy Scheck).** 

"Comrades Bowling Alone: The Impact of State Ownership of the Economy on Civil Society" (with Gabriel Benzecry and Nicholas A. Reinarts).** 

"The Lange-Lerner Hypothesis: Analyzing the Impact of Banking Sector Monopolization on Democracy" (with Gabriel Benzecry and Nicholas A. Reinarts).** 

"The Road to Censorship: Socialism's Chilling Effect on Academic Freedom" (with Gabriel Benzecry and Nicholas A. Reinarts).**

"The Socialists' Hypothesis and The Road to Serfdom" (with Gabriel Benzecry and Nicholas Jensen).**

"You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Chains? Re-examining the Hayek-Friedman Hypothesis on the Relationship Between Capitalism and Political Freedom" (with Nicholas Reinarts and Gabriel Benzecry).**

​"Examining the Public Health Rationale for Barber Licensure During the Progressive Era" (with Sean Patrick Alvarez and Macy Scheck).** 

​"Soviet Sports and the Feasibility of Central Planning” (with Daniel Sutter).

Refereed Journal Articles

31. "What LawMicro Has to Teach LawMacro: An Exploration of the Rule of Law and Monetary Policy" (with Peter J. Boettke and Alexander W. Salter). Journal of Contextual Economics - Schmollers Jahrbuch (Special Issue), forthcoming. 

30. "Examining the Public Interest Rationale for Regulating Whiskey with the Pure Food and Drugs Act" (with Macy Scheck). Public Choice, forthcoming.** 

29. "Not-So-Spontaneous Socialization Outcomes of Spontaneous Family Structures" (with Gabriel F. Benzecry). Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, forthcoming.**

28. "Austrian Economics as a Relevant Research Program." The Review of Austrian Economics, forthcoming. 

27. "The Wisdom of Classical Political Economy in Economics: Incorporated or Lost?" (with Gabriel F. Benzecry). The Review of Austrian Economics, forthcoming. 

26. “Long Live the Doge? Death as a Term Limit on Venetian Chief Executives" (with George R. Crowley and Sebastian J. Leguizamon). Public Choice 188(3-4) 2021: 333-359.

25. "Turn-Taking in Office." Constitutional Political Economy 31(2) 20220: 205-226.

​24. "War, Gold, & the U.S. Economy: Performance of the Federal Reserve and the Gold Standard," (with Thomas L. Hogan). The Review of Austrian Economics 35(1) 2022: 15-37.

23. "Breaking Bad: Public Pensions and the Loss of that Old-Time Fiscal Religion," (with rania Al-Bawwab). The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 25(1) 2020.** 

22. "Political Economists or Political Economist? The Role of Political Environments in the Formation of Fed Policy Under Burns, Greenspan, and Bernanke," (with Alexander W. Salter). Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 71(1) 2019: 1-13. 

21. "Central Banking without Romance," (with Thomas L. Hogan and Robin P. K. Aguiar-Hicks). European Journal of Comparative Economics, 15(2) 2018: 293-314.** 

20."Money as a Meta-Rule: Buchanan's Constitutional Economics as a Necessity for Monetary Stability," (with Peter J. Boettke and Alexander W. Salter)​. Public Choice, 176(3-4) 2018: 529-555. 

19. "The Undertaker's Cut: Challenging the Rational Basis for Casket Licensing," (with Noah Trudeau). Journal of Private Enterprise, Summer 2019.** 

18. ​​​"The Impact of Public Pension Board of Trustee Composition on State Bond Ratings," (with John A. Dove and Courtney A. Collins). Economics of Governance 19(1) 2018: 51-73.

17. "Swindled or Served? A Survey of Payday Lending Customers in Southeast Alabama," (with Christy A. Bronson). Southern Business and Economics Journal 40(1) 2018: 16-32.*

16. Occupational Licensing in Alabama." Labour & Industry 27(2) 2017: 77-94

15. “Coordination in Disaster: Non-price Learning and the Allocation of Resources after Natural Disasters” (with Daniel Sutter)​. The Review of Austrian Economics 30(4) 2017: 469-492.

14. "The Demoralizing Trap of Keynesianism" (with Sean Patrick Alvarez). Journal of Markets & Morality ​(Special Issue) 20(1) 2017: 55-68.*

13. "What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Knowledge Problems in Monetary Policy," (with Alexander W. Salter). Contemporary Economic Policy 35(3) 2017: 505-517. 

12. "Evolving Views on Monetary Policy in the Thought of Hayek, Friedman, and Buchanan" (with Peter J. Boettke). The Review of Austrian Economics 29(4) 2016: 351-370. 

11. “Education in a Robust Political Economy” (with Scott A. Beaulier and Benjamin G. Tegethoff). School System Reform Journal 2016: 1-34.*

10. "An Episodic History of Federal Reserve Independence" (with Peter J. Boettke). The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy 20(1) 2015.

9. "Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: A Framework for the Intimate and Extended Orders.” Studies in Emergent Order  (Invited Symposium) 7 2014: 239-257. 

8. "Heterogeneity and Exchange: Safe-Conducts in Medieval Spain." The Review of Austrian Economics27(2) 2014: 183-197. 

7. "Federal Reserve Independence: A Centennial Review" (with Peter J. Boettke). The Journal of Prices & Markets 1(1) 2013: 31-48.

6. "Response and Recovery after the Joplin Tornado: Lessons Applied and Lessons Learned" (with Daniel Sutter). The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy 18(2) 2013: 165-188.

5. "Technology and the Architecture of Emergent Orders" (with Scott A. Beaulier and Daniel Sutter). Studies in Emergent Order 5 2012: 157-176. 

4. "The Impact of Nobel Prize Winners: Mainline vs. Mainstream" (with Peter J. Boettke and Alexander Fink). American Journal of Economics and Sociology (Special Issue) 71(5) 2012: 1219-1249.

3. "Hooligans" (with Peter T. Leeson and Nicholas A. Snow). Revue d'Économie Politique (Special Issue) 122(2) 2012: 213-231.

2. "Norms in Sports Contests: The Tour de France" (with Alexander Fink). Journal of Sport Management 26(1) 2012: 43-52.

1. "The Evolution of Economics: Where We Are and How We Got Here" (with Peter J. Boettke and Peter T. Leeson). Long Term View 7(1) 2008: 14-22. 

​Academic Book Chapters

6. "The Ingenious Mind: Private and Public Entrepreneurship in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance" (with Gabriel Benzecry and Alexander Fink). In, Edward P. Stringham's (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Private Enterprise. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.**

​5. "On Your Mark, Get Set, Develop!" (with Scott A. Beaulier). In, Peter J. Boettke and Christopher J. Coyne's (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics. 2015.

4. “The Theory of Social Cooperation Historically Contemplated” (with Peter J. Boettke). In, Robert F. Garnett Jr., Paul Lewis, and Lenore T. Ealy's (Eds.), Commerce and Community: Ecologies of Social Cooperation. London and New York: Routledge, 2015. 

3. “The Impact of Nobel Prize Winners: Mainline vs. Mainstream” (with Peter J. Boettke and Alexander Fink). In, Daniel Sutter’s (Ed.), Different but Equal: Documenting the Contribution of Dissident Scholars. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Reprint of “The Impact of Nobel Prize Winners: Mainline vs. Mainstream,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 71(5) 2012: 1219-1249.  

2. “Been There Done That: The Political Economy of Déjà Vu, 1950 and 2010” (with Peter J. Boettke and Nicholas A. Snow). In, Steven Kates’ (Ed.), The Global Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt. Gloucestershire, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011. 

​Polish Translation: “Już tu Byłem, Już to Robiłem: Ekonomia Polityczna Spod Znaku Déjà Vu” (with Peter J. Boettke and Nicholas A. Snow). In, Leszek Balcerowicz’s (Ed.), Odkrywając Wolność: Przeciw Zniewoleniu Umysłów. Warsawa, Polska: Zysk I S-Ka Wydawnictwo, 2012. Translation of “Been There Done That: The Political Economy of Déjà Vu, 1950 and 2010," In, Steven Kates' (Ed.), The Global Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt? Gloucestershire, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011.

1. “Private Solutions to Public Disasters: Self-Reliance and Social Resilience” (with Peter J. Boettke). In, William Kern’s (Ed.), The Economics of Natural and Unnatural Disasters. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute, 2010. 

Academic Book Reviews

7. Karen Petrou's Engine of Inequality: The Fed and the Future of Wealth in America." The Independent Review

6. "Giuseppe Eusepi and Richard E. Wagner, Public Debt: An Illusion of Democratic Political Economy." The Review of Austrian Economics.

5. "Sebastian Mallaby's The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan." The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming. 

4. "Virgil Henry Storr, Stefanie Haeffele-Balch, and Laura Grube's Community Revival in the Wake of Disaster: Lessons in Local Entrepreneurship." The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy 21(4): 621-623.

3. "Jocelyn Pixley and G. C. Harcourt, Financial Crisis and the Nature of Capitalist Money. The Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2016 38(4): 518-523. 

2. "Monetary Policy and the Onset of the Great Depression: The Myth of Benjamin Strong as Decisive Leader,", 2015. 

1. "Mark Pennington, Robust Political Economy: Classical Liberalism and the Future of Public Policy." Journal of Value Inquiry, 2012 46(4): 519-522.

Policy Papers and Book Chapters

9. "The Costs of Occupational Licensing in Tennessee," (with Macy Scheck, Ron Shultis, and Protik Nandy). Political Economy Research Institute and the Beacon Center of Tennessee. 2020. 

8. "Advancing Certificate-of-Need Reform in Tennessee," (with Macy Scheck). Political Economy Research Institute, 2021. 

7. "The Costs of Occupational Licensing in Alabama" (with Courtney Michaluk, David Hall, and Alex Kanode). Alabama Policy Institute, 2018. 

6."Occupational Licensing in Mississippi." In, Brandon Cline and Claudia Williamson (Eds.), Promoting Prosperity in Mississippi. Mississippi State University, MS: Mississippi State University Institute for Market Studies, 2018: 119-131. 

5. "Alabama at the Crossroads: An Economic Guide to a Fiscally Sustainable Future" (with John A. Dove). Mercatus Center at George Mason University, 2016. 

4. “School Service Privatization in Alabama" (with Robin P. K. Aguiar-Hicks). In, Daniel Sutter's (Ed.), Improving Lives in Alabama: A Vision for Economic Freedom and Prosperity, 2015.**

3. "Reforming Occupational Licensing in Alabama." In, Daniel Sutter's (Ed.), Improving Lives in Alabama: A Vision for Economic Freedom and Prosperity. 2015.

2. “Gauging the Perception of Cronyism in the United States” (with Daniel Sutter). Mercatus Center Policy Paper, 2012. 

1. “Survey 2007: More Growth in School Support Service Privatization” (with Michael LaFaive). Policy Brief. Midland, MI: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 2007. 

​* Undergraduate coauthor
** Graduate coauthor